I’ve just upgraded to this software from its previous version and can’t therefore write a concrete review for it. It’s simply impossible to evaluate a program after a few hours of usage. However, computer applications are like shoes. They either fit instantly, and you feel comfortable wearing them from the very beginning or you might just break them in for months and end up with a pair of awkward shoes! Having said that, I’m very pleased with the performance of this new version of SoundSource. Compared to the previous version it now has everything I ever dreamt of to organize my audio sources. The interface is intuitive and very well structured. All commands are where they are supposed to be, and this means a lot to me when switching audio sources continuously. The sound is great and contrary to its competitors it’s rock-solid and doesn’t quit unexpectedly every now and then. As I mentioned before, it’s hard to evaluate all its functions in such a short time therefore, trying is believing! Fariborz AMIRSHAHI - Verona (Italy)